The TRIANGLE project presented on 5G End-to-End testing as part of the discussion on the current 5G trials and test beds during the IWPC Workshop on 5G Trials and Initiatives towards 2020 that was held in Seoul, South Korea on April 25th-27th 2016.
The International Wireless Industry Consortium (IWPC) is a highly recognized forum that gathers together all the actors of the telecommunications supply chain, from material producers, to device manufacturers, to mobile network operators.
The Workshop focused on the ongoing initiatives, especially in Asia and US, for the development of pre-standard test beds, systems, and prototypes. While most of the Mobile Network Operators present expressed the intention to focus mostly on the evolution of 4G technologies below 6GHz, Korea Telecom (KT) are making a tremendous effort to provide a pre-standard test deployment in 28GHz by 2018 for the Winter Olympics.
The TRIANGLE presentation on End-to-End testing raised a lot of interest in the audience, leading to good discussions with mobile operators and device manufacturers that provided valuable feedback to the project on latest topics being investigated and prioritized.
The presentation can be downloaded here.