December 2018 TRIANGLE Newsletter #11
TRIANGLE 5G Testbed newsletter

Happy Christmas from the TRIANGLE  team!
In this newsletter we take a moment to reflect on the achievements of the TRIANGLE project over the last three years, we describe the TRIANGLE 5G Quality of Experience testing framework and accompanying paper due out shortly and talk about the latest Global Certification Forum meeting.


*The TRIANGLE project has developed a framework to help app developers and device manufacturers in the evolving 5G sector to test and benchmark new mobile applications, devices, and services utilizing existing and extended FIRE testbeds. This framework will evaluate Quality of Experience - QoE of new mobile applications, services and devices designed to operate in the future 5G mobile broadband networks - and enable certification for new mobile applications and devices...Read more...

Happy Christmas from TRIANGLE Team!

We are sadly coming to the end of a very successful three years in the TRIANGLE project. We have exceeded our projected goals including attracting many applicants from industry and institutes across Europe, testing the mobile devices and software applications of those applicants, and very proudly, defining a framework for the testing of Quality of Experience of....Read more...

TRIANGLE announces the release of QoE evaluation framework

One of the key objectives of the Triangle project was to develop an automated process for evaluating the QoE (Quality of Experience) for the end user of an application or a device.
The success of 5G (the fifth generation of mobile communications), and to some extent that of 4G, depends on its capability to seamlessly deliver applications and services with good....Read more...

TRIANGLE contributes to the GCF Steering Group

This GFC steering group meeting was hosted by Qualcomm in San Diego, 11 - 13 December 2018. This meeting was attended by the TRIANGLE consortium in order to contribute to the 5G certification process. To become certified by the GCF, a product needs to be tested against all the Certification Criteria that have been defined for each technology and functionality incorporated within the product...Read more...
There are six partners in the TRIANGLE Project: Keysight Technologies, Belgium/Denmark, University of Malaga (UMA), Spain, RedZinc, Ireland, University College London (UCL), UK; DEKRA, Spain and Quamotion, Belgium.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 688712.
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