Report on 5G evolution

The TRIANGLE project has released a report on the evolution of the 5G technologies over the past few months.

TRIANGLE, as project started on January 2016. The original description of action, which is the core of the project, was developed and completed by the consortium during summer 2015. The content of the project was aligned to the known state of the art available during summer 2015 with anticipation of where 5G would be evolving towards in the next couple of years.

However, an interested reader and 5G enthusiast would recognise that 5G today is a highly dynamic research topic. Maturation of the technology is still an on-going international effort via e.g. H2020 projects in Europe but also private consortiums across the world. Full anticipation of the 5G evolutions is therefore not possible.

Based on this assumption, the consortium decided to, on a regular basis, look back at 5G evolutions and understands their potential impact on the TRIANGLE project. Deliverable 2.3 summarizes the important 5G evolutions known up to March 2016, 3 months after the start of the project.

An End-to-End World

With the TRIANGLE test bed you will be able to experiment with a comprehensive Device Cloud, full 4G and Wi-Fi Radio Access Networks emulation, 3GPP EPC Network emulation, SDN network and applications emulation, live App testing deployment. A true end-to-end complete sandbox to play with.

Funding (open call) Opportunities

Companies or institutions can apply to use the TRIANGLE infrastructure explaining their application, its benefits and their technical approach. Up to 15 successful applicants will be invited to run experiments on the TRIANGLE infrastructure with a maximum amount of € 20,000 available for each experiment.
Triangle will also fund two further proposals up to €100k each to extend the functionalities of the main testbed in the project with new 5G networking scenario capabilities. Proposals will extend the main testbed at UMA with EPC and/or radio access features by remote or local connection to other testbeds (e.g. FIRE, 5GPPP, SMEs, research institutions, vendors, operators, ..).

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