TRIANGLE First Open Call for Experiments and Extensions [OC1&OC2] has closed.

The next Open Call is expected to open in March 2017.

At the moment there are two Open Calls available for you to apply to. Select the one that fits your product and idea. Click on the box below and you will find all the information about the Open Call and the support for the application process.

Do you want to test your own device or mobile application?Do you want to include your own technology into our testbed?

When can I apply?

We have tried to create a simple and understandable process for you to apply to the Open Calls. If you want to participate to the Open Calls in this Wave you need to remember that the Calls will open on September 1st 2016 and you will have until October 31st 2016 for filling and submitting your application.


During the entire time, until the closure of the Calls, the consortium will be available to supporting you with the application, but also for helping you understand how your products can fit within the context of the TRIANGLE project.

You will receive a notification whether your application has been approved or not by the 1st of December 2016. Then we would need to allow for a processing time for both you and us for signing the legal contract and agreement. We expect it will take some time, but potentially your work could start from January 1st 2017.

All clear?

If you have any questions, please check our FAQ first. Otherwise follow the white rabbit and get one step closer to submitting your application!

What are you waiting for? APPLY NOW!

Do you want to test your own device or mobile application?Do you want to include your own technology into our testbed?

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